Paper with Honey

It was this day in 1948 that someone shot the messenger and silenced a voice dedicated to the idea that every human being deserves to live a life of peace and love, harmony and balance. 

On this day, 61 years ago, Gandhi breathed his last but right before he died he looked at his murderer square in the eye and he forgave him. To the end this simple yet so powerful man showed us all what a planet of peace and love, harmony and balance could, be but not without the critical component of forgiveness involved. 

On this day, think about someone who you need to forgive and then do the following: write the name of anyone who you have an issue with on a small white piece of paper with a red pen. Fold the paper and put it inside any small jar or glass container. Cover the paper with honey and close the jar. Now, each day for nine days straight, light a small white tea candle that is placed atop that same closed lid and silently send forgiveness to whoever it is whose name is in the jar. Open up and let the love in. Forgive and then heal.
 With sweetness and light.