The Yin and Yang area of a Building

To determine the best room for each function one of the tools a Feng Shui Consultant refers to is the Yin and Yang area of a building.

Yin and Yang are opposites and belong to one of the ancient Chinese believe systems going back to a couple of thousand years BC. The Chinese claim that the initial philosophy of yin and yang (or the idea of "opposites") date to about 5.000 BC.

Yin and Yang are of interest for us as it helps us determine possible functions in a building. In this area yin and yang refers to the following:

Two ways of checking for yin and yang areas in a building is to:
A) Analyze the Qi Flow of the building and individual rooms.
B) To determine the direction of the building and following the sun's path.

Both the direction of a building and the sun paths can be different. While the sun might be shining into the back part of the building, the front part is the active one with a noisy highway passing by the front door.

Example of the sun's path for the given floorplan:
So what could be a possible outcome of this analysis?

It can give us an indication which room is the best to sleep in, the best room to work in, the one best for social gatherings and the one best suited for our child.


In the picture above the flat is split fairly evenly between a yin and yang area determined by the sun's path (and in this case the direction of hte main road (which is not indicated in the picture). The lower right room is best for sleeping, the room next to it would be good for resting too. While the two top areas are best for a living room or a Childrens room.